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Setting Your Company OKRs: A Customer-Focused Approach



In today’s competitive business landscape, setting clear and measurable goals is crucial for organizational success. Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) provide a framework for aligning teams, driving performance, and achieving strategic outcomes. For a customer-focused company, it is essential to establish OKRs that prioritize customer satisfaction and deliver value. In this blog post, we will explore the steps to set company-wide OKRs and delve into specific examples for marketing, sales, HR, and operations departments. We will also draw insights from renowned authors and guides on OKR implementation.

Understanding OKRs:

Before diving into the steps, it is important to grasp the concept of OKRs. OKRs are a goal-setting methodology that combines ambitious objectives with measurable key results. Objectives define what you want to achieve, while key results outline how you will measure progress towards those objectives. OKRs should be ambitious, time-bound, and aligned with the company’s overall mission and vision.

Setting Company-Wide OKRs:

To set company-wide OKRs, follow these steps:

  1. Align with the Mission: Start by ensuring that your company’s OKRs align with its mission and vision. This ensures that all departments are working towards the same overarching goals and creates a unified focus.
  2. Involve Cross-Functional Teams: Engage representatives from different departments in the OKR-setting process to ensure collaboration and a holistic approach. This promotes a shared understanding of priorities and encourages teamwork.
  3. Ask yourself the right questions: when setting up your OKRs don’t forget to challenge yourself and your team. This process might take time but surely it is key to do it right.

Some OKRs examples:

Objective: Become the #1 free mobile banking app for developing countries.

KR1: Improve weekly sign-ups by 15% by July.

KR2: Launch a marketing campaign in every language by August.

KR3: Establish at least one ATM-access point across all countries by September.

OKRs for Specific Departments:


Objective: Improve Brand Awareness and Reach

KR1: Increase website traffic by 20% through SEO optimization and content marketing efforts.

KR2: Grow social media followers by 15% by implementing engaging campaigns and sharing valuable content.

K3: Generate 500 new leads per month through targeted email marketing and lead generation initiatives.


Objective: Drive Revenue Growth and Expansion

KR1: Increase sales revenue by 25% quarter-over-quarter through effective lead conversion and upselling strategies.

KR2: Expand into three new markets by establishing partnerships and conducting market research.

KR3: Achieve a sales win rate of 40% by enhancing the sales process and providing comprehensive training to the sales team.


Objective: Foster Employee Development and Engagement

KR1: Increase employee satisfaction score from 7.8 to 8.5 through regular feedback, recognition, and career development programs.

KR2:Implement a mentorship program to support professional growth and development for 50% of employees.

KR3:Reduce employee turnover rate by 20% by addressing workplace concerns and improving work-life balance initiatives.


Objective: Streamline Operational Efficiency and Cost Optimization

KR1: Reduce order fulfillment time by 20% through process automation and improved inventory management.

KR2: Implement a lean manufacturing approach, reducing waste by 15% and increasing productivity by 10%.

KR3: Identify and implement cost-saving measures that result in a 10% reduction in operational expenses.


Insights from Famous Authors and Guides:

  • “Measure What Matters” by John Doerr: John Doerr is a venture capitalist and one of the pioneers in OKR implementation. His book provides an in-depth understanding of OKRs and offers practical insights on how to set them effectively.
  • “Radical Focus” by Christina Wodtke: This book explores the power of OKRs and provides a step-by-step guide to aligning teams and driving execution towards achieving objectives.
  • Google’s OKR Playbook: Google is renowned for its successful implementation of OKRs. Google’s OKR Playbook offers valuable insights, best practices, and examples from their own experience.
  • How Google set goals: How Google sets goals: OKRs / Startup Lab Workshop – YouTube


Setting company OKRs is a powerful tool for aligning teams, driving performance, and delivering value to customers. In our case at WeDevelop implementing OKRs was an exciting journey that required a series of collaborative sessions. It was an incredible experience to witness our team aligning towards a more customer-centric point of view across all areas of our organization.

Through these sessions, we collectively identified our key objectives and outlined measurable key results that would drive us towards delivering exceptional value to our clients. This process allowed us to foster a culture of collaboration, where each team member actively contributed their insights and ideas. As a result, we established a shared vision that focused on meeting and exceeding customer expectations.

Implementing OKRs has been a transformative step for WeDevelop, enabling us to prioritize customer satisfaction, set ambitious goals, and work together towards a common purpose.


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